I did that?
Today was one of those days where being a business owner and stay at home mom (SAHM) was exceptionally hard. All day I tried to find the time to work on something that has a deadline coming up. It seemed like every time I would go to sit down at my computer, one of the kids would need me. I started to get more and more frustrated. FINALLY, after dinner my youngest, who’s 8 weeks old, rested and started napping. We also managed to get my other son (who’s 16 months) down for the night. That’s when I told my husband I needed to get to work. I quickly settled in with my computer, notebook, and all my gear. Almost as soon as I had sat down I heard the screams of my newborn on the monitor! That proved to be the last straw for me. I picked him up and started feeding him for the millionth time, as tears began rolling down my face. So many thoughts were running through my head.
I would NEVER be able to make a deadline.
I would NEVER be able to make this home/work life balance.
My job will NEVER survive this stage of life.
But then,
he looked up at me. I looked back at him with my eyes full of tears, and he just smiled. The biggest grin I had ever seen. Through all the frustration, all I could think was how this precious boy, who had kept me from getting work done all day, also managed to teach me a lesson in that moment.
It’s OKAY the work isn’t done.
It’s OKAY the house is a mess.
It’s OKAY this is hard.
Things that come easy often seem to be less valuable than those you have to fight for. Raising kids, being a spouse, and running a business are challenging in themselves, so of course doing them all at the same time is going to feel nearly IMPOSSIBLE!
I share my struggles not for pity, but in hopes to encourage and motivate those of you who find yourself in the same situation! Know that it’s OKAY to slow down and take it one day at a time. Cherish the tiny moments in your kids’ lives, and in your own as you grow your business. You ARE a super mom and boss! You can overcome these challenges but sometimes the thing you need most is simply time to get there and grace until you do.
Sometimes the time will seem to go by so quickly, you may not even remember how you finally made it through. And you may be surprised to find yourself looking back thinking, Wow. I DID THAT.

You are an amazing mom and photographer. Just remember that many women try to “do it all” and we must realize that men don’t do that, so why do we expect ourselves to do it?!?! Men have US to help them. They have spouses, moms, girlfriends or personal assistants, secretaries, or other subordinates at work that they can call on.
Women should not try to do everything themselves! It isn’t healthy OR realistic. If there is an area of your life that u can use help with i. e. Housework….then get help with that! There is no difference between you getting help to clean your house and a man expecting his secretary to mail and type up all his correspondence…..it takes a village to raise children and run a business and we need to STOP trying to be the whole village all by ourselves!!!
Yes!!!!!! 1000x yes! Thank you for sharing and you are exactly right. I know I should ask for more help as well. It is so easy to get in the mindset we have to do it all ourselves, which is almost impossible and unrealistic standards.